You have just opened a new restaurant that promotes healthy food and you want to introduce 2 new recipes to attract customers to your restaurant.
Prepare a menu with 2recipes (food & juice) that shows the nutritional value and health benifits
C) process
1. Give yourrestaurant a name (something catchy and new)
2. Designa menu using word and add pictures to make your menu attractive.
3. Go to http://www.all-healthinformation.com/allhealthyfoodrecipes/allhealthyfoodrecipes.php or http://healthy-food-recipe.com/ to obtain a list of 'Healthy Food' recipes and the nutritional values
4. Go to http://blog.women-workout-routines.com/benifits-of-eating-healthy/ to get a list of the benifits of eatinghealthy food (summarize and take the important points only)
D) Resources from
1. Text
2. Pictures
3. Evaluation rubric
E) Go to http://webquest.sdsu.edu/webquestrubrc.html to obtain the rubrics for web quest.
F) CONCLUSION (Select any 1)
a. Put aup an exhibition on healthy food
b. Carry out a cookingdemonstration / making the juice following the recipes
c. Write an essay on the benifits of eating the healthy food (use the points from the menu)